Help with project planning
Other people who can help with Help with project planning
Services provided:
Help with project planning, Information about conducting research, Information about monitoring and evaluation, Information on producing financial and business plans
Brighton University's Community Development Partnership Programme builds partnerships between the university and local community organisations. They offer help to local groups with things like conducting research and project development.
They have worked with Brighton & Hove Community Works to develop a Monitoring Evaluation and Impact Partnership, which has delivered training and support for local groups on how to measure the impact of their work effectively without creating an unsustainable data burden. The MEI partnership website includes useful resources from the training sessions.
Services provided:
Help with developing constitutions and sample constitutions, Help with developing policies and sample policies, Help with fundraising, Help with project planning
Services provided:
Finding volunteers, Getting outside help with running a sports group, Help with project planning, Information on managing community and voluntary sector groups, Information on producing financial and business plans
Sported provide mentoring and funding to groups running sports activities.
Big Lottery Fund run several grant programmes. Their website contains useful guidance on monitoring and evaluating your group's work. This can be used to help with reporting to them and other funders.