Other people who can help with Toys
Equipment provided:
Equipment provided:
Musical instruments for hire, Toys
Musical equipment: Large selection of pre-school percussion instruments available for loan. They come in bags of 3-4 items. Also books, tapes and CDs to help with organising music groups for young children.
Toy library: You can borrow two toys at a time, with a child's library membership.
Brighton and Hove based community groups can borrow toys from the Early Childhood Project toy library for play corners and creches. You need to contact them well in advance, to tell them about when you will need toys and what for. You will need to pay £10. They are open Tues and Fri 9:30-12:30, and Wed 9:30-2:30, but will open at different times by prior arrangement for collection and return of toys. They have toys for children up to age 8, though most are for under 5s. They also have baby resources such as play mats, and play corner resources such as blankets and cushions.