Useful research for fundraising

When writing a fundraising application, it is useful to include evidence that your group’s work is needed. To get you started, have a look at the ‘Links’ and ‘Books’ pages.

    The services listed below are not provided by the Resource Centre. These are websites and services we feel are particularly useful for small groups in Brighton & Hove, and which are not easy to find by searching the internet.

    Most useful services for local groups

    Statistics website for Brighton & Hove. Up to date reports on local neighbourhoods and searchable data on the whole city.

    Brighton University's Community Development Partnership Programme builds partnerships between the university and local community organisations. They offer help to local groups with things like conducting research and project development.

    They have worked with Brighton & Hove Community Works to develop a Monitoring Evaluation and Impact Partnership, which has delivered training and support for local groups on how to measure the impact of their work effectively without creating an unsustainable data burden. The MEI partnership website includes useful resources from the training sessions.

    Other services you might find useful