B&Q Community Re-Use

Donations for: not-for-profit groups and organisations
Donations of unsellable items
No deadlines

Aims of scheme

B&Q stores donate unsellable products and materials for re-use by local schools, other educational institutions and community groups, for the benefit of the local community and the environment.

Who can apply

Local schools, educational institutions and community groups. For example:

  • Community garden projects
  • Registered charities
  • Schools and colleges
  • Youth groups, Scouts and Guides
  • Hospices
  • Preschool groups and registered child minders

What can you apply for

The types of material includes:

  • Wood, including off cuts and single use pallets
  • Plastic plant pots and trays
  • Damaged or part filled cans of paint.
  • Broken tiles and slabs
  • Ends of wallpaper rolls
  • Plants that are not in peak condition and other compostable materials
  • Old products that have been written off

If you are looking for paint, try this list of Paint recycling schemes.

How to apply

Email community@b-and-q.co.uk to be added to a database of groups who are interested in receiving materials when they becomes available.

Contact details

B&Q Brighton: Lewes Road, Pavilion Retail Park, BN2 3QA
Website: www.diy.com/corporate/community/waste-donation/
Phone: 01273 679 926

Last updated

8/3/21 RL